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Wildlife Hotline 613-416-9641

We do our best to answer calls about wildlife in need of help from April through August, between 8am and 8pm.

For non-urgent issues and general queries about volunteering or donations, please send us a message instead via: 

Messenger @HHWildlifeRescue

Instagram @hhwildliferescue

WhatsApp 613-416-9641


Note: Photos and videos will help us to assess the condition of the animal you are concerned about.

If an animal is in significantly injured and suffering, please call the City of Ottawa Bylaw at 3-1-1 for rescue or pick-up. You can also bring injured wildlife to the Municipal Animal Shelter within the Ottawa Humane Society, Lost and Found door, 245 West Hunt Club Rd. (Municipal Animal Shelter hours: 


Monday to Friday 11am-7pm; 

Saturday 10am-5pm; 

Sunday 11am-4pm; 

Closed Statutory Holidays

Holly's Haven Wildlife Rescue is run by a dedicated team of people with huge hearts, devoted to excellent care of wild mammals that are sick, have been injured, or are orphaned.

We recognize that almost all the animals that come into care need help because of human activity. We want to do our part to give wildlife a chance to live out their lives in that wild.

  • In the event that HHWR has reached capacity, we will direct you to Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, a large rehab centre located just south of Ottawa in North Gower, working with wild mammals and reptiles (including turtles).

  • Regretfully, our permit with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources prohibits us from taking in animals from Quebec. Here are some Quebec wildlife contacts which we hope can help you:

Thank you to our supporters, funders and corporate sponsors!

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© 2024 by Holly's Haven Wildlife Rescue

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